Remote Jobs in 2022: Facts, Figures, Tips, and Anecdotes

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Remote Jobs in 2022

The widespread use of digital technology has made it feasible to complete various tasks from any location using Wi-Fi. While the idea of working remotely might conjure up pictures of someone stuffing envelopes in their underpants, more and more people are looking for chances to work remotely at least occasionally, and many businesses are starting to understand the benefits of pursuing such flexible arrangements.

Remote Jobs has several advantages for both businesses and employees when done properly. To begin with, research suggests that employees who work from home get more sleep, eat better, exercise more, and spend more time with their significant others.

Statistics: The State of remote jobs

  • According to Global Workplace Analytics, since 2005, the number of remote job workers has surged by 140%.
  • According to Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” study from 2012 to 2016, 43% of American workers did so at least occasionally.
  • According to data made public by a Swiss corporation, 53% of employees worked remotely for at least half of the week, and 70% of employees telecommute at least one day every week.
  • 53.3% of developers indicated that being able to work remotely was important while seeking a job in a 2017 Stack Overflow study, and 63.9% said they did so at least once a month. The developers who worked totally or largely remotely reported the greatest levels of job satisfaction.
  • According to a Blueface assessment on “Business Communications Technology,” fixed office locations would lose ground to remote working by 2025.
  • According to a Softchoice poll, 74% of North American office workers claimed they would change employment based on their employer’s policy about working from home.
  • 5500 professionals participated in a FlexJobs study, and 66% indicated they were more productive when they weren’t in the office, and 76% said there were fewer distractions outside of work.
  • According to a different Workforce Futures research, 83% of workers believe they can be effective without an office.
  • According to Stanford University research, when call center staff worked from home, their performance went up by 13%.
  • 4% of that came from handling more calls per minute, 9% from working more minutes.
  • The expansion of Dell’s telecommuting and remote job initiatives was announced in 2016, with the company reporting annual savings of $12 million from decreased office space expenditures. Additionally, it was calculated that Dell workers who worked remotely 10 days per month saved around $350 in transportation expenses.

The Biggest Perks of Working Remotely

  • The lack of a commute is one of the main advantages of working from home.
  • Eliminating the travel to work results in significant weekly time savings that may be used more productively for personal or professional purposes. It also results in significant fuel and car maintenance cost reductions. In rare circumstances, it can even make sense to leave your car behind.
  • You can live wherever you choose as there is no commute.
  • If nothing else, living in your desired place rather than somewhere you’d like not to be only because that’s where the employment is can make you happier. This may result in savings owing to reduced cost of living compared to being in some large metropolitan regions.
  • Additionally, remote job workers save money by eating more home-cooked meals rather than by going out to dine, which is good for both your pocketbook and your waistline. They also spend less on dry cleaning and office supplies.
  • Working from home frequently entails creating your own schedule rather than reporting to an office for a typical 9–5 shift. You can work around other life events thanks to your independence.
  • Even though there are many potentials for distractions when working remotely, remote employees frequently report feeling more concentrated at home. Offices may be distracting because of the noise and the number of people there.
  • As was already noted, hiring remote job workers has several advantages for companies as well.
  • The most obvious benefits are lower costs for office space and equipment, but some businesses warn that cost savings shouldn’t be the main factor in your decision to hire remotely because there are still some unanticipated expenses, such as the possibility that remote training will take longer than training in-person.

The Main Drawbacks of Remote Jobs

  • Virtual employment is not always a bed of roses. For employees who thrive on extroversion, lack the self-discipline to complete tasks without immediate supervision, or are simply accustomed to working in a traditional office setting and have trouble adapting to change, some of the drawbacks of remote jobs may go unnoticed by those who have never experienced it.
  • Feeling isolated and unaware of everything going on at your workplace might stem from being physically apart from the rest of your team. The nature of working alongside someone or engaging in face-to-face exchanges is not always captured by digital communication systems.
  • Even while working from home gives you the flexibility to take breaks whenever you want and to work when you are most energetic, it’s still possible to work too many hours.

In the evenings or on the weekends, it’s simple to get on “for a minute,” and before you know it, you have worked an additional four hours that probably would not have happened at a regular office job that you leave behind at the end of the day. You may just feel compelled to continue working because you like it so much, but some of this need may also result from feeling as though you are not present or visible enough at work.

Tips for Being Successful at Remote Work

Although being present on collaboration platforms during certain business hours may be important and you might feel under pressure to let others know you are there, consistently completing tasks and meeting deadlines will typically matter more than your body spending a certain amount of time each day in an office chair.

Communication platforms like Slack and Google Hangouts are crucial for fostering coworker cooperation, whether it’s for arranging conference calls, sharing files, or brief banter. However, they are not always a good substitute for communicating with coworkers face-to-face. Do not forget to put these tools to use.

Despite being so “connected,” it is simple for everyone to become fragmented and walled off into their own projects, with no interaction between anybody other than sporadic communications between project leaders and project doers.


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