How to Secure Your Mobile App

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Everyone use mobile in their daily life. With the help of this we can do online transaction very easy. We can purchase online, can transfer money to our loved ones or to anyone in a sec. we can book tickets online etc.

But you know how much these apps are safe?

Let me tell you we are using online Mobile apps and there is possibility that any hacker can hack your online information or can harm you.

There are lot of hackers, they are waiting to steal every user important information such as, Debit card details, bank details, credit card details.

Do you know what hackers can do to your application or software? No!

No problem, we are here for your help. Hackers can Steal your important data and can create duplicate stuff and can steal your money.

So it is very important that you should keep Secure your mobile app .

What can hackers can do From your data?

  1. Hackers can put malware tnot our apps and on your devices so with the help of this malware hackers can access your data, and can steal your screen lock passcodes.
  2. Can get catch your private business assets.
  3. Can steal your customer data for fraud purposes.
  4. Hackers can access your ip address and your company’s network
  5. Can copy your app’s code.
  6. Can get your sensitive information.

Mobile app have the potential power to make your systems vulnerable if you are not keeping your apps secured from Hackers.

How can you secure your apps from Hackers?

If you are creating an app so you should know how to keep secure your app from Hackers. Software code, client side databases, APIs, Devices and devices’s operating system, user interface all are plays important roles for the app’s security.

Here we are sharing some good techniques to keep your app secure

  1. Write a Secure Code:-

The code is very important part of any mobile application. Code can be hack very easily by hackers. So I recommend that you should write a highly secure code. Try to write a hard code so hackers cannot break it easily and follow agile development so that you can update your code easily on time to time.

2. Use Authorized API:-

It is important that you should use authorized APIs in your App Code, so that hackers can not attack on your APIs code.

3.Test Continuously :-

A very easy and simple solution to keep your Mobile apps secure is you should test your app continuously, because new changes as security aspects are changing frequently.

4.Secure your network Connections from the back-end:-

Apps and APIs are accessing Cloud servers and Servers should have sercure to protect your data and should prevent unauthorized access. Every APIs and who those who accessing them should be verified so that you can prevent hackers to steal your data.

5.Develop Tamper Detection Techniques:-

Do you know about this technique? With the help of this technique you can get alerts whenever your code is modified or changed.

6.Use good cryptography techniques and tools:-

Make sure that you do not hardcore your encryption keys. Always use good protocols for encryption. Use trusted encryption methods.

Hope this article will help you if there is anything which i left so let me know I will cover that part too.

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