Pericoronitis, or inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the crown of the tooth, can be an extremely painful condition that affects your ability to eat or even talk at times. It’s important to find pericoronitis treatment immediately so you can get back to living your life as soon as possible. Here are some tips on how to treat pericoronitis and can do Pericoronitis Treatment in the quickest way possible.
Determine The Cause
Before you do Pericoronitis Treatment, you have to determine what’s causing it. Often, pericoronitis occurs because of a deep cavity around one of your permanent teeth. Over time, food and bacteria can accumulate in that area and lead to an infection. This type of pericoronitis typically develops over a period of months or years, so it might not be obvious that your tooth caused it. If a root canal doesn’t cure your pain and swelling, then either an abscessed tooth or gum disease could be responsible. In either case, you’ll need professional care by a dentist or oral surgeon before your condition improves.
Painkillers, Anti-Inflammatories, & Mouthwash
One of the most common Pericoronitis treatment is over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen. These medications can reduce inflammation and ease pain, which makes them helpful in treating a variety of conditions. If you’re going to use a painkiller as part of your pericoronitis treatment plan, be sure you check with your dentist first. These remedies are designed to treat short-term pain and swelling; they aren’t designed to clear up long-term issues or ongoing conditions, which can make them less effective when used improperly. Using an anti-inflammatory at night can also help decrease swelling while you sleep, so it may be worth keeping on hand even if you don’t take it during the day.
Stop Brushing & Flossing So Hard
Dentists and hygienists often recommend that patients with pericoronitis use a soft-bristled toothbrush (rather than a medium or hard bristle brush) and gently brush their teeth. Brushing too hard can irritate your gums, which could exacerbate your infection. If you have pericoronitis, flossing shouldn’t hurt. If it does, you’re likely pressing too hard and should go back to using a gentle touch when flossing. Continue following these recommendations until your infection has cleared up completely; otherwise, you risk re-infection of your gum tissue if it heals before eliminating all harmful bacteria in your mouth.
Get an X-Ray
Getting an X-ray can tell you whether or not there’s a foreign object caught between your teeth and gums. You could go directly to a dentist, but first, check if it’s urgent or wait-and-see. If you have pain, redness, swelling, or pus discharge around your gum line (which may indicate an infection), make an appointment as soon as possible—the problem may require medical attention. Do note that pericoronitis can resolve on its own in about two weeks, so it’s fine to take things slowly if you want. Still, there’s no harm in getting an X-ray for peace of mind!
How Long Does it Take to Cure Pericoronitis?
It depends on a variety of factors. But in many cases, it doesn’t take more than a few visits to your dentist or hygienist for them to get everything sorted out and help you cure pericoronitis. The first step, though, is figuring out what’s causing your pain or discomfort. Knowing where it hurts can be instrumental when trying to figure out how long does it take to cure pericoronitis. For example, if you notice pain just after flossing and brushing then chances are that you have irritation from something like toothpaste build-up or plaque buildup.
See a Dentist if Necessary
If you are suffering from pericoronitis, see a dentist immediately; only a professional can truly diagnose your condition and prescribe treatment. If your pericoronitis is minor, a dentist may be able to treat it by removing excess buildup or debris with instruments or suction. On the other hand, if you have an abscess in your gum tissue (pericoroid), your dentist may need to make an incision in order to drain any excess fluids and pus before treating you with antibiotics. It’s also possible that treatment will not be necessary; some cases of pericoronitis resolve themselves without medical attention.