Author: etechnicaltalk


  • etechnicaltalk

    Hey Guys, I am a digital marketer and I have 7+ years of experience. I know SEO, SMO, PPC, Video Editing, Meta paid ads, Image Creation, I am a YouTuber also. I hope you will like this website. you can give me suggestions over mail at Thank you

Android, Software, Technology

Which is Better Android TV or Tizen OS -Top 5 Comparison

Android TV or Tizen OS: Introduction Comparing Samsung’s Tizen OS to Google’s well-known Android OS is obvious given that Samsung holds close to 30%... Read more.
Android, Technology

The Complete Guide to Android App Development for Beginners

Introduction: What is Android App Development? Android is an operating system for mobile phones and other mobile devices. It is based on the Linux kernel, and i... Read more.
Digital Marketing

Important Digital Marketing Tactics for Startups

Introduction of Digital Marketing :- Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the creation of brands to connect with implicit guests using the intern... Read more.
Digital Marketing, Technology

Google tag manager and Google analytics :- What is the difference between these?

Google tag manager and Google analytics At the initial days when I originally caught wind of Google Tag Manager ( GTM ), I felt a bit confused, but now I am cle... Read more.