A Brief Guide to VPS Servers in 2021

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Best VPS Servers in 2021

Choosing a web hosting plan can be tricky. There are thousands of service providers, each offering, at least, a dozen of options to choose from.

On one hand, we have shared servers that are both cheap and convenient but have too many limitations.

On the other hand, we have dedicated servers that are powerful and customisable, but too pricey for a small-sized business.

What if your website is too large for a shared server but does not demand the resources of a dedicated server either?

A VPS server may come to your rescue in such a scenario. So, what are VPS servers and when should you choose one for your website? We will answer such questions (and many more) in this post.

Let’s get started.

What is a VPS and how does it work?

VPS stands for ‘virtual private server’. Now, ‘virtual’ indicates that the server has been created through virtualisation, and ‘private’ indicates that it is meant for just one account.

A VPS is created by means of virtualisation technology. A virtualisation software hypervisor splits a physical server into several smaller ‘virtual’ servers. Each of these servers is called a virtual machine or virtual private server (VPS).

Each of the VPSs thus created works with its own set of resources-CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. These resources aren’t shared with any other server. So, each VPS is akin to a virtual island that houses just one website/account.

This hosting model stands in contrast with shared hosting where the resources of a physical server are shared among all the websites hosted on it.

A VPS is almost like a miniature version of a dedicated server. In fact, virtual private servers offer an optimal middle path between shared and dedicated hosting.

Why should you choose VPS hosting?

By now, you must have understood how a VPS is a better hosting option than a shared server. Let us have a look at its salient benefits:

  • Superior Speed: As a VPS comes with a guaranteed set of computing resources, your site is likely to work faster when hosted on it. A VPS offers a conducive environment for the smooth running of your website, with fewer hiccups that may slow it down.
  • Better User Experience: The reserved set of resources a virtual private server comes with allows your webpages to load faster, and your site to run in a hassle-free manner. This creates a great browsing experience for users visiting your website.
  • Foolproof Security: A VPS runs in an environment that’s virtually isolated, so your website remains immune to malware, breaches, DDoS, and so on.
  • High Degree of Control: In a VPS hosting plans, you are granted root access, this means you can customise the server as per your liking-configure the operating system of choice, or install the software you want. This way, you can better adapt to the needs of your business.
  • Cost-effectiveness: VPS is definitely a value for money option, as it lets you enjoy many features of a dedicated server at a fraction of its cost.

How much does a VPS server cost in India?

We will now discuss something you may be waiting for-VPS server price in India.

As in any other hosting service, VPS has a wide price range. A low-end VPS hosting plans may cost you somewhere between $5 to $20 per month. Such plans are suitable for low-traffic websites.

If, however, you intend to run an online business, you may expect a lot of site traffic. In such cases, a premium VPS plan costing around $20-$40 per month may serve your purpose well.

Many leading hosting companies offer free VPS trials, wherein they let you try a powerful VPS solution for free for a couple of days, usually 30 days. This way, you get ample time to evaluate their service. And the best part is-if at any point during the VPS trial period, you don’t feel like continuing the plan, you can cancel it easily.

When should you switch to a VPS server?

By now, you must have had a fair idea of what VPS servers are and how they function. Let us have a look at the scenarios that call for a VPS.

  • Your website loads slowly: If your website has begun to experience lagging or slow page-loading speed, you probably need to upgrade to a VPS. A virtual server offers far more resources than its shared counterpart, resulting in better page loading speed.
  • You experience high web traffic: If your site has started to witness a surge in traffic lately on account of an increase in organic visitors or a paid campaign, a shared server may not be able to cope up with the load. Shared hosting comes with limited resources; this may prevent your website from performing at optimal levels.
  • Security is a concern for your business: While security should be a priority for every website, it can be a major concern for you if your site is storing confidential customer information such as credit card details, or any other personally identifiable information (PII). In such a situation, choosing a shared server can be a risky proposition.

Shared servers are vulnerable to cyberattacks as all websites are presented on one large server with no partitions. If the data of one website gets compromised, the neighbouring websites may also suffer the same fate.

Virtual private servers create a sandboxed environment for housing your website, making them a far secure option for hosting critical data and files.

  • You want a customised server: Shared hosting does not offer root access to the server; as a result, you cannot configure the server according to your needs. On the other hand, you can tune a VPS as per your liking. You can have the OS you need-Linux or Windows, tweak the hardware settings, and even install specialised software in accordance with the needs of your business.
  • You want to generate revenue from your site: If you are looking to monetise your site/blog, VPS hosting can be a great option. VPS servers lend your website unmatched speed and high uptime, both of which are indispensable when running an online venture.
  • You want to host multiple blogs: If you intend to run multiple blogs and your existing shared hosting plan is unable to handle your requirement, switching to a VPS can be a great move.
  • Harness the Power of Virtualisation to Stay ahead in the game

So, you see, a VPS is a great way of hosting a website that demands adequate processing power, speed, and bandwidth. If you have outgrown your existing shared hosting plan, transitioning to a VPS would be the right move. You can start with a free VPS trial, and buy a full-fledged solution a few months down the line, if you are content with your service.


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